
What is the currency in Spain?

The currency in Spain is the euro, the same as in other European Union countries.

The euro is divided into 100 cents.

• There are eight different coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents, and 1 and 2 euros.

• There are seven different bank notes, for the following amounts: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 euros.

How much money do I need for my stay?

The average price for products and services varies depending on the province you are visiting, and the season. As a reference, we provide a list of approximate prices for services and products:

A single metro (underground) or bus ticket costs around €1,50-2.
A glass of beer costs between € 2 and € 6, the latter at a fashionable place.
A ticket to the cinema costs between € 5 and € 9.
A ticket to the theatre costs between € 12 and € 30.
A ticket to the opera or a concert could cost between €50 and €100.
A breakfast special, including a cup of coffee, a bun or pastry, and a glass of juice costs between € 2 and € 4, depending on where you go.
A daily special at an inexpensive restaurant costs between € 7 and € 10. If you are choosing from the regular menu, the price starts at € 18, while at a medium-priced restaurant, it would start at € 36 per person. At a “three-fork” restaurant, the price per person can come to € 90.
Accommodations by category (informative prices for a double room):
5 stars: between € 200 and € 300
4 stars: between € 100 and € 200
3 stars: between € 60 and € 100
2 stars or fewer: less than € 60.

How else can I pay?

With credit cards:

Payment using recognised international credit cards is also commonly available in Spanish shops. They usually have signs indicating this option at the entrance to the establishment. When you make a payment you should show your passport or ID card.

With traveller’s cheques:

Traveller’s cheques, accompanied by a passport, are also accepted in many hotels, restaurants and shops.

Where can you change foreign currency?

You can change currencies in bureaux de change and some banks. This service is also available in many hotels and travel agencies.

Is tipping mandatory?

No; in every single establishment in Spain, service is included with the price of the meal or drink. However, tipping is a common practice at bars and restaurants, hotels, and taxis, depending on the total price for the service, and on the generosity of the client. It is usually around five to ten percent of the total price.

Can you request reimbursement of Value Added Tax (VAT)?

If the purchaser’s residence is outside the European Union, they may claim back the tax on their purchases. You must meet a series of requirements:

1. Purchase at a shop that offers the DIVA electronic tax free form.

2. Purchases must be personal and not commercial.

3. You must take the goods purchased to your country of residence in the three months following the date of purchase.

The DIVA form can be validated directly using the interactive DIVA system terminals without having to pass by the customs service offices. These terminals can be found near the customs offices at points of departure from Spanish territory (international airports, maritime ports and land borders).There are various companies in Spain authorised to process the reimbursement of I.V.A. (Value Added Tax) for tourists.Below are some of the companies that process this transaction:Global Blue Tax Free shopping. Planet Innova Taxfree Spain Comercia Global Payments Tax free El Corte Inglés B Free! Tax Back Travel Tax Free