Health and Safety

How does the Spanish healthcare system work?

The Spanish National Health Service has an extensive network of health centres and hospitals throughout the country.

Health centres provide primary healthcare services(family medicine, paediatrician and nursing services, and there may also be midwives, physiotherapists and social workers). If circumstances require, medical attention can be provided in the patient’s home.

Also, in rural areas and in small villages there are local surgeries open on certain days with visits from healthcare staff from the region.

Hospitals offer specialised attention, with access via referral from primary healthcare services. There are also Accident and Emergency services available at hospitals and some health centres.

You can check hospitals and health centres in Spain on the Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Wellbeing website.

Where can I find the embassy or consulate of my country in Spain?

Foreign embassies and consulates in Spain

Where do I buy my medication?

In Spain, medications are obtained at pharmacies. They are all marked with a green cross. You will get your prescriptions from your doctor. If you come from a country in the European Union, or your country has health agreements with Spain, you will have the same prescription drug benefits as Spanish citizens.

Where to call in case of emergency?

Dial 112 free of charge (valid throughout Spain). Service is given in Spanish, and also in English, French and German in some tourist areas.

Where is smoking prohibited?

In Spain, smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public areas (including public or collective transport vehicles). It is also prohibited to smoke in health facilities (including outdoor areas that are part of their premises), educational or training centres (except in outdoor spaces in universities and adult education centres) and playgrounds and play areas (outdoor spaces equipped for children). There are a few exceptions to the general rule. This prohibition does not apply to private clubs for smokers. Hotels and similar establishments can book rooms for smokers, but these should be in separate areas with separate ventilation.

Is Spain a safe country?

Spain is one of the safest countries:

In general terms, Spain is one of the safest countries in Europe.

As in any country, there are some basic safety guidelines…

We recommend avoiding isolated or badly lit places, and street gambling. It’s a good idea to carry only the money you need for each outing. Be alert in crowded places, such as public transport or department stores. In public parks and other places used for leisure, don’t leave objects such as mobile phones or cameras unattended.

Don’t forget an expert tip on public safety: prevention is the best way to avoid this kind of problem.

Can you find services tailored for people who have Celiac Disease in Spain?

In Spain there is a growing awareness of Celiac Disease and the importance of providing gluten-free food. Therefore, more and more hotels, restaurants, campsites, parks and recreation centres are prepared for the needs of people with Celiac Disease. You can find a list of them at the official website of the Federation of Associations of people with Celiac Disease of Spain. ( In turn, the Federation recommends that tourists who do not speak Spanish carry a piece of paper with this text written on it. “Soy celíaco. Si consumo algún alimento que contenga trigo, centeno, cebada, avena, kamut, espelta o triticale, o bien sus productos derivados, puedo enfermar. Esto incluye la harina, pan, pasta, croquetas, dulces, salsas, algunos embutidos… Los celíacos podemos comer carne, pescado, huevos, legumbres, frutas, hortalizas, arroz, maíz, soja y también patata. Estos productos se deben cocinar sin harina, cocidos, a la plancha, a la brasa o bien crudos. Si durante la preparación de la comida le surgiera alguna duda, por favor consúlteme. Gracias.” Translation of above text: “I have Celiac Disease. If I eat food that contains wheat, rye, barley, oats, kamut, spelt or triticale, or any of their derived products, I could become ill. This includes flour, bread, pasta, croquettes, sweets, creams and some sausages. People with Celiac Disease can eat meat, fish, eggs, legumes, fruit, vegetables, rice, corn, soy, and potatoes. These products must be cooked without flour, boiled, grilled, roasted, or even raw. If there is any doubt during the preparation of the food, please ask me. Thank you.”